Volusia Market is for the people that get their hands dirty. Fixer-Builders. We encounter good repairable items daily, stuff from the flea market, yard sales, estate sales and even in the garbage sometimes. We will post these items when we put them in our fix-it inventory. That’s right Fixitlocalad.com, we have a fixer business too. Sometimes we can’t get to it all, so much good tools and equiptment junked because it’s broke. Heck the older stuff is so much better quality than the china garbage purchased today. We post things needing fixed in fixit catagory and things that have been repaired in the category they belong. If you have an item of value but needs conditioned drop us a text and we will give you an option that will better your sale
Our goal is to create and maintain an environment that supports and nurtures the faith of our community. By choosing to distance ourselves from major tech corporations, we take a stand against the anti-Christian sentiments they may propagate.